Post Translational Modifications

The following predicted post-translational modifications and characteristics are applied by regular expressions.

Note: that at the current time these are run on the whole sequence, not just the numbered region so a certain PTM might be recorded yet not displayed. Viewing an individual sequence on Key Annotation pages will restrict to the numbered region.

Lysine Hydroxylation (Hydrox)

Regex: '(?<=C.)([DN])(?=....[FY].C.C)'

This regular expression defines twelve residues in which the first must be C, the third must be either D or N, the eighth must be either F or Y, and the tenth and twelfth must both be C.

PKC phosphorylation site (PKCPhos)

Regex: '([ST])(?=.[RK])'

This regular expression defines three residues in which the first must be either S or T and the third must be either R or K.

Asparagine deamidation site (AsnDeam)

Regex: '(N)(?=G)'

This regular expression defines two residues which must match the pattern N followed by G.

Methionine oxidation (MetOxid)

Regex: '(M)'

This regular expression indicates the occurrences of the residue M.

N-linked glycosylation site (NGlyc)

Regex: '(N)(?=[^P][ST][^P])'

N-linked glycosylation site extended (NGlycExtra)

Regex: '(N)(?=.[STC])'

This regular expression defines three residues in which the first must be N and the third must be either S, T or C.

cAMP phosphorylation site (cAMPPhos)

Regex: '(?<=[RK][RK].)([ST])'

This regular expression defines four residues in which the first must be either R or K, the second must be either R or K, and the fourth must be either S or T.

CK2 phosphorylation site (CK2_Phos)

Regex: '([ST])(?=..[DE])'

This regular expression defines four residues in which the first must be either S or T and the fourth must be either D or E.

Tyrosine Kinase Phosphorylation site (TyrKinPhos)

Regex: '[RK].{2,3}[DE].{2,3}(Y)'

This regular expression defines between seven and nine residues in which the first must be either R or K; this followed by two or three of any residue. The next residue must be either D or E, followed by two or three of any residue. The final residue must be a Y.

ATPASE E1 E2 phosphorylation site (ATPPhos)

Regex: '(D)(?=KTGT[LIVM][TI])'

This regular expression defines seven residues where the first five must be DKTGT, the sixth must be either L, I, V or M, and the seventh must be either T or I.

Aspartate isomerization site (AspIsom)

Regex: '(D)(?=G)'

This regular expression defines two residues which must match the pattern D followed by G.

Aspartate hydrolysis site (AspHyd)

Regex: '(D)(?=P)'

This regular expression defines two residues which must match the pattern D followed by P.

Asparagine deamidation succimide extended (ASN_DEAMIDATION_EXTRA)

Regex: '(N)(?=[SATND])'

This regular expression defines two residues in which the first must be N and the second must be either S, A, T, N or D.

Aspartate isomerization site extended (AspIsomExtra)

Regex: '(D)(?=[PSNHD])'

This regular expression defines two residues in which the first must be D and the second must be either P, S, N, H or D.

N-Myristoylation (N myristoyl)

Regex: '(G)(?=[^EDRKHPFYW]..[STAGCN][^P])'

Glycation (Glyc)


Asparagine Deamidation Extended (AsnDeamExtra)

Regex: '(N)(?=S)'

Glutamine Deamidation Extended (GluDeamExtra)

Regex: '(Q)(?=G)'