
Explore length distributions for CDR or Framework regions, based on pre-calculated region lengths stored in the database.

  • Region Definition to select preferred numbering scheme..
  • Chain Type / Class to select chain type, class and sub-class.
  • Organism restricts the analysis to chains from a particular organism. If no organism is selected, frequencies are for all sequences in the database.
  • Region to select a CDR or Framework region.

A bar chart is displayed together with an associated table, showing the number of non-identical sequences and their relative frequencies.

Note 1 The organism specification is hierarchical e.g. if you select Rattus the distribution will include sequences from all Rattus species including, for example, Rattus rattus and Rattus fuscipes.

Note 2 The chain type/class specification is also hierarchical e.g. if you select Heavy Gamma the distribution will include sequences classified as, for example, Heavy Gamma 2a.

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