
Results for the current query can be downloaded in a variety of formats but can be limited to 1000 chains plus their chain pairs:

  • Protein sequences in abYsis FASTA format Standard FASTA format with comments in the header line. For commercial users, these comments are described in the abYsis Installation and User Guide.
  • Protein + DNA sequences in abYsis FASTA format (For protein sequences that have a corresponding DNA sequence) Standard FASTA format with comments in the header line. For commercial users, these comments are described in the abYsis Installation and User Guide.
  • abYsis XML short format (no atom coordinates or DNA sequences) abYsis XML format. For commercial users, this format is described in the abYsis Installation and User Guide.
  • abYsis XML full format will return protein and DNA sequence data together with PDB atom coordinates (where available) in the abYsis XML format. For commercial users, this format is described in the abYsis Installation and User Guide. Note that these files can be very large.
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