
These pages give access to sequences, structures and annotation contained in the abYsis database. These will either be public sequences or those added using the Import facility (commercial users only).

Immediately accessible from the top page this will search accessions and text fields in the database.

However you may need to use the more detailed options below which provide ‘is like’ and regular expression functions for more precision and flexibility.

Basic / Sequence / Structure

Basic, Sequence and Structure pages are in fact a single search page - the three different entry points simply display or hide different sets of options by default.


Some chains are paired in abYsis. For public sequences this uses a combination of sequence analysis results annotation obtained from the data source. For proprietary sequences the pairing is given by the user.

If you only want paired chains to be brought back, select that option in the Basic search.

Text Search Operators

Text searches in abYsis are case insensitive. Search and target terms are converted to a common case before all comparisons.

Supported comparisons include:

isFind exact text without any additions at beginning or end. Searching for Jon will not find Jones
is like

Allows wild cards ( _ for 1 character, % for multiple characters).

Also automatically puts % either side of your search term. Searching for Jon will find Jones, Daejon and Jong.

~ (regex)PostgreSQL POSIX regular expression matching.